Well, as of a few days ago, I was going to full force start a small business and an etsy shop. I then discovered how much paperwork, time and money is required beforehand. So now, I'm going to keep it as a hobby and not make the jump....yet. I will soon, but I might have to donate some plasma or something. ;)
Things I've been thinking about lately: why do stores refuse to sell normal colored socks for children? My 1-1/2 year old needs some black and cream socks...not tights, socks. They don't even have black or brown socks for little boys. You'd think, if they sell mini suits for baby boys, why wouldn't they sell reasonable socks? Perhaps I'm the only mother who would complain about such a thing. In the meantime, I'm trying to discover a way to make or modify adult socks to fit a child size 6. I'll keep you updated.