Monday, June 4, 2012

What to write?

I know it's been 2 months since I posted, but I'm always at a loss for what to write. I envy those bloggers that can post daily or even weekly with captivating and fascinating posts. That's probably why some of them get paid to do so...I'd pay them to read what they have to say most of the time. 

Since posting last, we've finished the semester and officially started summer. The weather had been very typical spring up until last week, with all the back-and-forth temperatures (rain, hot, cold and blustery, pleasant). This weekend it decided to be blistering. Welcome summer! And welcome A/C! :) 

This past weekend we were at the Provo Farmer's Market for their opening day. We had a booth and met a lot of really nice people. Many people stopped by our booth and said they had also taken a bookbinding class. Some even took it from the same teacher, and that was pretty cool. We were across from a booth name My Cutie Pies, that made mini cupcake-sized pies that were delicious. We were also just down the sidewalk from the neatest Swedish fiddle guy that made some really cool music. Even when we don't make any sales, I love being at the farmer's market to see the great skills and talents of local artists and later this summer, to get some amazingly fresh and affordable produce. 

If you haven't been to a farmer's market, you should go to one this summer. Most of them are at the end of week, sometimes Thursdays and Saturdays. And buy a snow cone. New favorite thing of mine. Yumm....

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